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@none 是团队太庞大
说明一下 都是要求来新加坡的职位
@ycr6708536 买房首付 25% 贷款利率 1.6%算吗。。。。。。。然后其它各种教育环境啊 生活环境啊这种。。。。
@woyao 是额外给的年假 18 天。公共假期都是按时放的,额外每年再有 18 天的年假,有孩子的每年还会额外有 6 天育儿假,用于比如孩子生病,孩子幼儿园有活动,陪孩子等
@wvwking @CraneLiu 我只能说,你们是真的没来过新加坡。。。。。新加坡是亚洲知名的金融中心,法制严厉,治安有名的好。我们外出是可以用电脑包占桌,女生是敢半夜出去夜跑也很安全的国家。。。。。。几十年没出过儿童拐骗案件的国家。
@hosea 有的
@iXInbo 国际化团队,不是纯华人团队,知名电商平台。。。。。。
@waiaan 因为招聘量太大,上千的 HC,一直招不满
@fengsien1999 岗位太多 不可能都放出来的 任何感兴趣的职位都能详聊
@mumu360121 运营类很难跨国招聘,有职位的,但是需要有公民或 PR
@DavidG 有的 运维和运维开发都有
@dryqiao 招的
@zszhere 有安全方面的 leader 岗位
@Procumbens 职位太多,只能列出几个大致方向的,具体细分可以详聊
@tracyliu 有移动端开发,不过移动端需要英文面试
@lsastaaa 可以的 我们都是可以提供中文技术面试的
@templar87 不限开发语言
@ainux 有 QA 岗 可以详聊
@ThanksSirAlex 对 都在新加坡

Job Description:

Deep dive into development lines, learning and understanding the mechanism of every application component, and promoting product scalability, stability and performance
Setup, manage and maintain product/middleware/big-data applications and services
Perform regular and ad-hoc server-side deployments, performance fine-tuning and troubleshooting
Design and develop automated technical operation platform
Capacity and Resource management
Responsible for the full-chain stress test to enhance the performance and remove redundancy of applications.
Prepare routine operation documentation


Bachelor’s or higher degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Information Systems or related fields
Less than 1 year of experience welcomed
Extensive and hands-on knowledge with Linux operating system (Ubuntu, CentOS, etc.)
Knowledge of Computer Network (TCP/IP, DNS, etc.), Computer Organisations and OS
Hands-on experience with at least one of the programming languages: Bash, Python, Go
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills with the ability to thrive under difficult and stressful situations
Passion and high sense of responsibility for work
Fast learning ability and a good team player
Detailed-oriented, cautious and prudent
Open to fresh graduates who are passionate about technical operations of internet products, Linux OS and OpenSource
Experience with automation tools like Ansible, SaltStack (Preferred)
Experience with monitoring tools like Prometheus, Zabbix, Grafan etc (Preferred)
Experience with load balancing tools like LVS, Nginx, Openresty or HAProxy (Preferred)
Experience with container technology such as Docker, Kubernetes (Preferred)
Experience with High Availability system design and Server Deployment Process (Preferred)
Experience with SRE (Preferred)
Experience with Ops Paas platform or Ops automation platform (ie:CMDB) (Preferred)
@yuankui 可微信:sophia_liu611 详聊
@plainboiledwater 招专家级前端开发工程师
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