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微软 Bing Growth team 急招算法岗位

  •   fms86 · 239 天前 · 1404 次点击
    这是一个创建于 239 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    微软中国 Bing Growth team 急招 Senior/Principal level 的算法岗位,工作目标是 optimize Model 来 boost Bing revenue and user growth ,恳请大家帮忙推荐,简历可以直接联系

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    Since Bing Launched in June of 2009, the search world has changed for the better. Bing Growth team is responsible for growing the search business faster than ever before. We are an extremely agile team and we move very fast from ideas to experimentation, development and deployment through continuous releases throughout the year.

    Now we are looking for strong data scientists (1 tech lead role) to join our fun and challenging journey. As a member in Bing Growth team, you live on the front end of our products and features used by millions of people every day. We explore and invent cutting edge methods in statistics, information retrieval, data mining, machine learning, LLM, UX framework and distributed systems to solve hard problems and optimize engagement and revenue across different entry points. You will have enormous resources at your disposal, high-performance distributed systems with vast amounts of raw and processed data from our logs/index and the tools to work with this data. You have the right environment and strong support to drive your favorite features to solution. You will have the opportunity to make huge impact towards Bing key metrics like revenue and retention, and deliver the optimal E2E experience for our users which will increase their satisfaction, engagement, and trust.


    • Leverage state-of-art machine learning techniques, brainstorm, implement, flight and ship features
    • Design and build efficient models to optimize user engagement and revenue across different entry points
    • Understand user behaviors, metrics and able to get insights of what happened from real traffic scorecard, and come up with improvement plan if needed
    • Partner with other teams in different countries to achieve fast collaboration and agile development


    • B.S. in Computer Science or equivalent required; MS/PhDs preferred
    • Expertise and practical experience in using statistical machine learning, deep learning, data mining, information retrieval/optimization, and LLM
    • At least 5 year of industry experiences in machine learning / Deep learning
    • Familiar with at least one OOP language: C#/Python/C++/Java
    • Great design, problem solving, and data analysis skills, with demonstrated passion for quality, performance, and engineering excellence
    • Motivated and able to work independently as well in a collaborative team setting to research innovative solutions to challenging technical/business problems
    • Good communication skills in English
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