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  •   sunzhenyucn · 2 天前 · 348 次点击


    Updates: 2024/11/05, V2EX Public Version

    Email: c3Vuemhlbnl1Y25AZ21haWwuY29t
    Github: https://github.com/yai-dev


    • Communication Engineering (信号通信), Zhengzhou Railway Vocational & Technical College, 2015 ~ 2018


    • Languages: Go, Python and Java
    • Technologies: Spring Cloud, Istio, Doris, Cassandra and etc.
    • Solution / System design.
    • Kubernetes development and administration and Linux administration.

    Work Experience

    Software Architect - eLight Cloud

    Aug 2022 ~ Present
    Base: Changsha, Hunan

    • Lead the R&D team to develop an app cloud platform based on Kubernetes for CMCC (Hunan).
    • Implements an IAM system based on Keycloak used internally by CMCC (Hunan).
    • Implements an API Gateway based on Apache APISIX used internally by CMCC (Hunan).
    • The app cloud platform I was responsible for was rated as Key Project and Key Research Project within CMCC.

    Dev Manager - Beijing Kyotta

    Dec 2020 ~ Aug 2022
    Base: Beijing

    • Lead the R&D team to develop an open compute platform (Kyotta Foundry Open Compute Platform).
    • Open Compute Platform product design and architecture design.
    • Core component of Open Compute Platform coding and desinging.
    • Build on-permis cloud platform and container cloud based on Kubernetes.
    • Build on-permis GitOps platform with Argo CD and Drone CI.
    • Modbus, IEC-103 and IEC-104 protocol plugin development for Open Compute Platform.
    • The Open Compute Platform I was responsible has been successfully delivered to corp customers and has been used to stably collect data from wind farm throughout the year. It has archived an average collection of 130+ measurements / per turbin in sigle wind farm, with at least 30 wind turbines / per wind farm, archiving in a minimum of 33,696,000 measurements data entry / per day.
    • Compatibility testing of the Open Compute Platform for with Phytium S2500 in 2021, with has been included the Phytium Partner Project (共飞腾计划).

    Senior Software Engineer - SenseTime

    July 2018 ~ Dec 2020
    Base: Shanghai

    • VIP 1:N Face Recognition Cloud architecture designing and coding.
    • Face feature database component of VIP 1:N Face Recognition Cloud Raft version development to implements simple WAL to provides Master/Slave mode.
    • Working with Sense Spring Model Development Platform R&D Team.
    • Data plane of Sense Spring architecture desinging and coding.
    • Inference engine of Sense Spring architecture designing and coding.
    • Auto label workflow implementation of OCR and POD model.
    • Kestrel C++ Framework Go bindings development.


    CMCC App Cloud Platform

    Brief: CMCC App Cloud Platform used to intergate CMCC and its 3rd providers resources and pack them into solutions and products. Platform could manage lifecycle of solutions and products: Seek Advice, Make a Deal, Development and Continue Delivery. CMCC or its 3rd providers could publish their abilities (API, SDK etc) as product to platform and platform could provide authentication / authorization, mesurement for them.

    Main Tech: Spring Boot, Lua, Quartz, Go, Kubernetes Operators (customized), Drone CI, Argo CD, Kube Vela, APISIX (customized) and Keycloak (customized).


    • Lead the designing of system architecture, responsible for tech selection, low-level abstraction of system core component.
    • Product prototype design and write PRDs.
    • Formulation of project development specifications.
    • APISIX measurement plugins development with Lua.
    • Keycloak plugins designing and development.
    • Responsible of code review and code integration, control the release version.
    • Design and tooling to improve development effciency:
      • auto commit lint
      • continues delivering of container image with Kaniko
      • auto semantic versioning based on git commit messages
      • one-line code to Open API versioning.

    Kyotta Foundry Open Compute Platform

    Brief: Kyotta Foundry Open Compute Platform is dedicated to solving such as data collection, edge computation and edge intelligence in wind farms. With the advantages of super-low resources requires, high-speed data transmission and drag-and-drop zero-code configuration. It provides users with a simple, easy-to-use, low-cost and easy-to-maintained edge computing solution.

    Main Tech: Spring Boot, Quartz, Go, Kubernetes Operators (customized), TDEngine, NSQ, MQTT, ModBus, IEC-103/104.


    • Lead the designing of system architecture, responsible for tech selection, low-level abstraction of system core component.
    • Product prototype design and write PRDs.
    • Formulation of project development specifications.
    • Standalone message bus system based on MQTT 3.1 design and development.
    • Responsibile of Kuberntes CRDs and Controllers design and development.
    • ModBus, MQTT and IEC-103/104 data ingest plugin design and development.

    Sense Spring Model Development Platform

    Brief: Sense Spring is AI model development platform similar to Baidu's PaddlePaddle. It provides users with simple, easy-to-use and drag-and-drop zero-code model development experience, it also supports auto labeling with pre-trained AI models to improve data labeling effciency.

    Main Tech: Java, Go, C++, Kestrel (on-permis framework), Apache Cassandra, Kubernetes, Argo Workflow, Pytorch, Tensorflow.


    • Data plane based on Apache Cassandra design and development.
    • Inference engine based on Kestrel design and development.
    • OCR and POD model auto labeling workflow development.
    • Kestrel C++ SDK Go bindings design and development.
    • Design and implement model how-reload on inference engine to improve inference effciency.
    • Kestrel C++ SDK contribution for bug fix.

    VIP 1:N Face Recognition Cloud

    Brief: VIP 1:N Face Recognition Cloud provide on-permis TopK face searching and face recognition service. It provides the capability to parse, track, filter, and match faces from video streams of common protocols, and offers OpenAPI for integration with other systems to implement face recognition alerts.

    Main Tech: Go, C++, Kestrel (on-permis framework), BoltDB, Faiss, Raft.


    • Video stream analyzing plugin design and development.
    • API registry design and development.
    • Face feature database Master / Slave mode design and development with Raft, Simple WAL implementation.
    • PoC toolchain design and development.
    • CI/CD pipeline design and development.
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