GoDaddy.com, Inc. Customer Account 43****05 has been locked
Thank you for being our valued customer. Your recent purchase activity has been
reviewed by our verification office for one or more of the following reasons:
+ Discrepancies have been identified between billing information provided to us
by the purchaser and data currently on record with the financial institution.
+ Incomplete, invalid or false billing/registrant information was provided by purchaser.
+ Someone other than the payment method account holder may have made the purchase.
+ Transaction origin differs from the listed billing locale and/or payment method origin.
+ Efforts to verify purchase authorization with the listed payment method account holder
have been unsuccessful.
As a result of our review, this customer account has been locked and the payment method
utilized is currently suspended from further use in our system. This was done as a precautionary
measure in effort to preserve the integrity of your payment method. You will be refunded
accordingly and receive an email receipt regarding the returned funds. Please allow five to
ten business days for your financial institution to fully process the reimbursement.
If you would like the account to be reinstated, please email our verification office at
ccinquiries@godaddy.com. Customers requesting reinstatement of their account
will be prompted to have the payment method account holder provide correct billing
information and government-issued photo identification to substantiate the account.
Scanned images (under 1 MB in size) can be attached as a response to this message,
or faxed to:
(480) 287-8003
Attention: Fraud Department
Reinstatement may be considered upon receipt of the aforementioned documentation.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you in advance for
your cooperation.
Fraud Department
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