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App Annie —— App 数据分析世界领域领头羊~ 诚招 Senior Web Front-end Engineer~

  •   Potter · 2016-02-18 11:07:55 +08:00 · 1924 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3151 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    职位名称: Senior Front-end Engineer
    要求: 3 年以上互联网 Web 前端开发经验
    薪酬:市场 80 分位(高于 80%的同类职位薪资水平),性价比高,每六个月一次调薪机会
    地点:三里屯 SOHO

    1.它提供的服务平台被来自世界 60 多个国家的应用开发人员广泛使用。
    2.从某种程度上来说, App Annie 已然成为跟踪应用使用情况的标准。
    3.免费收费产品组合拳,公司发展虽慢( 2010 年至今已经 E 轮融资啦), 2012 年至今业务保持每年 300%的增长。

    3.16 天带薪年假,转正即可享受,不用积累;

    Your responsibilities will include
    • Working closely with PMs, UI/UX designers and back end engineers on new features for App Annies industry-leading analytics dashboard.
    • Provide input into designs and functional specifications.
    • Improve and optimize the code and design.
    • Testing cross-browser and cross-platform compatibility for inconsistencies.
    • Providing accurate timing estimates on work.

    You should be a talented Front End developer with enough experience to hit the ground running. Ideal candidates will have a can-do attitude, passion for technology, extensive HTML/CSS/JavaScript development experience and will be able to get up to speed quickly.
    • Ability to work in a team environment, from making pixel perfect sites that meet the design requirements to integrating code with the back-end development team
    • A minimum of 2 years of web development experience, knowledge of Django is a plus
    • Strong knowledge and experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
    • Knowledge of Angular.js, Backbone.js, D3 and Gulp is a big plus
    • Experience in responsive implementation is a plus
    • Comfortable working with templates in server-side technologies, knowledge of Python is a plus
    • Ability to write scalable, maintainable, testable code
    • Good level of English to communicate in an international environment
    • Experience working with version control systems such as GIT and SVN
    • Experience working in a startup environment is a plus

    欢迎您投递简历至: [email protected]
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