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[杭州] - 微策略软件 Microstrategy 内推

  •   windshield · 2016-03-03 16:44:09 +08:00 · 1741 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3147 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    如果对某一个或某几个职位感兴趣,可以先把个人简历发到我的邮箱 [email protected] , Linkedin or Facebook or 其它一些网站的个人简历介绍也都可以,内推具体细节可私下沟通。
    以下职位都有 junior senior principal 级别。

    公司环境和福利待遇都不错,逐渐增长的 10-20 天年假, work-life balance 好,感兴趣可以上网了解一下。


    软件测试工程师 /Software Engineer in Test :

    Basic Function:
    Analyze and decide the appropriate resolution on urgent customer issues with rapid response. Define and execute the MicroStrategy software plan. Release maintenance versions of the MicroStrategy platforms.

    Job Duties (include but not limited to):

    Investigate on escalations, identify root cause and decide the appropriate resolution.
    Respond rapidly to escalations and work with Technology teams when necessary.
    Research and identify design, architecture, and code issues in our products before they are released.
    Own and actively manage software release plans.
    Work closely with Technology teams to drive timely high-quality deliverables.
    Actively participate in the software lifecycle including design, construction, Beta phases and issue resolution.

    Job Requirements:

    Minimum: Bachelor ’ s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Engineering or Science
    Strong analytical and communication skills
    Positive attitude, energetic, and ability to integrate into a fast-paced team environment
    Ability to learn new technologies very quickly
    Ability to pay close attention to details

    Desired skills (one or more of the following):

    Project Management Techniques
    Server Technologies: Databases, SQL, C++
    Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java
    Mobile Technologies: Objective C, iOS, Android
    Operating Systems: UNIX, Windows

    测试开发工程师 - 全栈 - 基础架构 - 自动化工具:

    后端 Server 开发工程师, C++ or Java :

    Web 前端开发工程师:

    移动开发工程师( iOS and Android):

    1 条回复    2016-03-07 11:09:05 +08:00
       2016-03-07 11:09:05 +08:00
    顶一下,邮箱之前好像有些问题,现在好了。另外公司还招聘 PM ,内部叫做 product owner ,欢迎来投~~
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