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App Annie 招聘 BI Engineering Intern

  •   appanniebj · 2016-04-07 14:55:42 +08:00 · 1248 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3110 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    App Annie 提供可靠的应用数据与分析,帮助企业在全球应用经济中取得成功。超过 50 万人士已成为 App Annie 的注册用户。公司总部位于美国旧金山,拥有 425 名员工,在全球设有 15 个办公室。截至目前, App Annie 已筹集到了来自 e.Ventures 、 Greenspring Associates 、 Greycroft Partners 、 IDG Capital Partners 、 Institutional Venture Partners 和红杉资本等投资者的 1.57 亿美元融资。详情请访问 www.appannie.com/cn

    App Annie delivers the most trusted app data and insights for your business to succeed in the global app economy. Over 500,000 registered members rely on App Annie to better understand the app market, their businesses and the opportunities around them. The company is headquartered in San Francisco with 425+ employees across 15 global offices. App Annie has received $157 million in financing, including from investors such as e.ventures, Greenspring Associates, Greycroft Partners, IDG Capital Partners, Institutional Venture Partners and Sequoia Capital. Learn more at www.appannie.com.

    We are seeking a talented and motivated Business Intelligence Engineer Intern. In this role you will be developing the business intelligence solutions that will be used for tracking company metrics and by thousands of customers of App Annie products.

    You will accomplish this by:

    • Develop data integration, automation and quality assurance components in Python and Pentaho Kettle

    • Develop SQL queries, stored procedures, views and user defined functions for business logic implementation

    • Design and develop Tableau/Excel reports

    • Support ad hoc data queries, data QA and data analysis

    You are a great fit because you:

    • Are major in computer science or related area of study

    • Be able to work 8 hours a day

    • Initiative, organized, reliable and efficient

    • Fundamental SQL programming skill is required

    • Solid experience with programming (like Python, Java, C#.net) is a big plus

    • Experience with data analysis and data visualization is a big plus

    • Experience with PowerShell and XML is a plus

    • Excellent written and spoken English

    每周至少实习 4 天,能连续实习 3-6 个月


    有意向请发送简历至 [email protected] or [email protected] 简历命名为:职位名称+姓名

    我们在三里屯 SOHO ,顶级办公环境,还有免费早午餐和不限量零食饮料,公司氛围超 nice,期待您的加入!

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