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[PayPal 亚太运营中心] 需要一位数据分析专员

  •  1
  •   PayPalOps · 2016-09-29 09:08:35 +08:00 · 1463 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2931 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    1. 了解商户团队对数据的需求,对各类市场数据进行汇总、统计、分析,并制作相应的数据分析报告;
    2. 对核心交易数据做相关深入挖掘分析,分析商户的交易行为、潜在需求等;
    3. 配合部门领导完成各种行政相关任务;

    1. 本科以上学历,统计学、数学或金融类专业优先;
    2. 三年以上工作经验,在线支付,风险管理,电子商务等相关经验优先;
    3. 熟练运用 excel 、 word 、 PowerPoint 等 office 软件,会使用 SQL , SAS , SPSS , R 语言等数据分析软件优先考虑;
    4. 具有较强的逻辑分析和判断能力;
    5. 善于沟通,具有良好的团队合作精神;
    6. 优秀的英语读写能力

    POSITION OVERVIEW: MOST team is an integral part of MS function to the aim in maintaining and developing efficient merchant operation and enhancing operation by generating insight-driving reporting and ensuring that the reports are well maintained to reflect business operation reality continuously.

    The Merchant Operations Support Team (MOST) Specialist position sits within the Merchant Operations Support Team and is responsible for providing a variety of operational support and data support for Merchant Support function e.g. MS leadership team, Account Management team, Business Support teams, and Account Acquisition teams.

    1. Roles & Responsibilities
    1) Operational Support, including but not limited to:
     Handle inquiry and request from MS team and leadership team, e.g.: account configuration, refund request, transaction log download, account features toggle on or toggle off, transaction fee adjustment and etc.
     Other operational or administrative support for account management team via close collaboration within MOST team and close cross-team collaboration with Account Management teams, Business Support team and Administration team, and even with MS leadership team.
    2) Data Analysis Support, including but not limited to:
     Knowledge of MS function ’ s service model, key initiatives and function target, to support and optimize business operation from data perspective; MS team performance analysis in a periodical basis, and provide constructive suggestion to leadership team.
     Participation in leadership meeting or counterparty ’ s team meeting, identify business needs and analyze request, ability to quickly understand business opportunities and challenges of MS function, MS teams and e-commerce industry
     Detailed root cause analysis of data change, effective communication with leadership team or counterparty when review and optimize request and proactively propose constructive solution with the aim to support quality decision making
     Timely and accurate support delivery to leadership team and counterparty, continuously improve report to increase work efficiency and productivity
     Data visualization such as PPT, Excel, and insightful data readout, logical and vivid presentation.
     Timely and accurate data support to leadership team, counterparties; collaborative and inclusive teamwork within MOST team members
     Other ad-hoc assignments and request from leadership team and cross-team partners
    2. Requirements
    1) Graduate degree with major in statistics, mathematics or finance.
    2) More than 3 years business analysis experience, work experience in online-payment industry, risk management, or e-commerce will be a plus
    3) Strong technical and commercial analysis skills, including but limited to SQL, SAS, SPSS, R language …
    4) Proficient at Excel, PPT for data visualization and presentation
    5) Strong understanding of PayPal products and process, especially merchant related products (Training will be arranged upon onboarding.)
    6) Business partnering skills: customer focus, logical thinking, presentation skill, team work spirit, brave to take responsibility and innovation

    请将中英文简历发送至 [email protected]
    邮件命名为 V2EX-MOST-姓名


    1. Base pay :视不同岗位而定 /具有市场竞争力的薪资
    2. Guarantee Month: 13 薪
    3. 饭贴: 30/天
    4. 绩效奖金
    5. Mini Benefit: 3000RMB/年(健身,配眼镜,看牙齿三方面的报销)
    6. 教育基金: 6000RMB/年(报销)
    7. 五险一金+补充医疗保险
    8. 带薪年假 15 天,随工龄涨,上限 20 天;
    9. 工作满五年额外赠与一个月的假期
    10. 每年旅游+免费体检+各种俱乐部活动+节日福利
    11. 做五休二

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