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线刷 Android 系统的时候,线很重要...

  •   20015jjw · 2016-12-13 15:45:58 +08:00 · 5601 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2856 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    TL;DR: 如果刷机诡异的失败,可以试试官方线。

    寒假出去玩之前把 5X 更新一下做备用机,线刷 7.1.1

    正常./flash-all.sh一开始用一根第三方的 Google 工程师说好的线,结果出现这个结果:

    Will-Mac-Pro:bullhead-nmf26f will$ ./flash-all.sh
    < waiting for any device >
    target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
    sending 'bootloader' (4603 KB)...
    OKAY [  4.106s]
    writing 'bootloader'...
    OKAY [  0.142s]
    finished. total time: 4.247s
    rebooting into bootloader...
    OKAY [  0.020s]
    finished. total time: 0.020s
    target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
    sending 'radio' (56614 KB)...
    OKAY [  1.296s]
    writing 'radio'...
    OKAY [  0.549s]
    finished. total time: 1.846s
    rebooting into bootloader...
    OKAY [  0.020s]
    finished. total time: 0.020s
    target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
    archive does not contain 'boot.sig'
    archive does not contain 'recovery.sig'
    archive does not contain 'system.sig'
    ERROR: usb_write failed with status e00002ed
    ERROR: usb_write failed with status e00002d8
    archive does not contain 'vendor.sig'
    ERROR: usb_write failed with status e00002d8
    ERROR: usb_write failed with status e00002d8
    ERROR: usb_write failed with status e00002d8
    ERROR: usb_write failed with status e00002d8
    wiping userdata...
    ERROR: usb_write failed with status e00002d8
    Erase successful, but not automatically formatting.
    Can't determine partition type.
    FAILED (command write failed (Invalid argument))
    ERROR: usb_write failed with status e00002d8
    ERROR: usb_write failed with status e00002d8
    getvar:version-bootloader FAILED (command write failed (Invalid argument))
    finished. total time: 0.000s

    尝试几次无果,换了 Project Fi 送的线之后成功刷入:

    Will-Mac-Pro:bullhead-nmf26f will$ ./flash-all.sh
    target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
    sending 'bootloader' (4603 KB)...
    OKAY [  0.181s]
    writing 'bootloader'...
    OKAY [  0.154s]
    finished. total time: 0.336s
    rebooting into bootloader...
    OKAY [  0.020s]
    finished. total time: 0.020s
    target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
    sending 'radio' (56614 KB)...
    OKAY [  1.280s]
    writing 'radio'...
    OKAY [  0.554s]
    finished. total time: 1.834s
    rebooting into bootloader...
    OKAY [  0.020s]
    finished. total time: 0.020s
    target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
    archive does not contain 'boot.sig'
    archive does not contain 'recovery.sig'
    archive does not contain 'system.sig'
    archive does not contain 'vendor.sig'
    wiping userdata...
    Creating filesystem with parameters:
        Size: 27283927040
        Block size: 4096
        Blocks per group: 32768
        Inodes per group: 8176
        Inode size: 256
        Journal blocks: 32768
        Blocks: 6661115
        Block groups: 204
        Reserved block group size: 1024
    Created filesystem with 11/1667904 inodes and 148720/6661115 blocks
    wiping cache...
    Creating filesystem with parameters:
        Size: 100663296
        Block size: 4096
        Blocks per group: 32768
        Inodes per group: 6144
        Inode size: 256
        Journal blocks: 1024
        Blocks: 24576
        Block groups: 1
        Reserved block group size: 7
    Created filesystem with 11/6144 inodes and 1422/24576 blocks
    Bootloader Version...: BHZ11h
    Baseband Version.....: M8994F-
    Serial Number........: 00d0ebe42cb2c945
    checking product...
    OKAY [  0.020s]
    checking version-bootloader...
    OKAY [  0.020s]
    checking version-baseband...
    OKAY [  0.020s]
    sending 'boot' (12037 KB)...
    OKAY [  0.342s]
    writing 'boot'...
    OKAY [  0.133s]
    sending 'recovery' (16165 KB)...
    OKAY [  0.417s]
    writing 'recovery'...
    OKAY [  0.214s]
    erasing 'system'...
    OKAY [  0.756s]
    sending sparse 'system' 1/6 (520374 KB)...
    OKAY [ 12.213s]
    writing 'system' 1/6...
    OKAY [  5.839s]
    sending sparse 'system' 2/6 (515510 KB)...
    OKAY [ 11.835s]
    writing 'system' 2/6...
    OKAY [  6.269s]
    sending sparse 'system' 3/6 (479538 KB)...
    OKAY [ 10.748s]
    writing 'system' 3/6...
    OKAY [  5.332s]
    sending sparse 'system' 4/6 (514677 KB)...
    OKAY [ 11.521s]
    writing 'system' 4/6...
    OKAY [  5.885s]
    sending sparse 'system' 5/6 (524285 KB)...
    OKAY [ 11.719s]
    writing 'system' 5/6...
    OKAY [  5.685s]
    sending sparse 'system' 6/6 (182585 KB)...
    OKAY [  4.208s]
    writing 'system' 6/6...
    OKAY [  1.951s]
    erasing 'vendor'...
    OKAY [  0.118s]
    sending 'vendor' (197974 KB)...
    OKAY [  4.354s]
    writing 'vendor'...
    OKAY [  2.678s]
    erasing 'userdata'...
    OKAY [  0.942s]
    sending 'userdata' (138993 KB)...
    OKAY [  3.068s]
    writing 'userdata'...
    OKAY [  1.494s]
    erasing 'cache'...
    OKAY [  0.075s]
    sending 'cache' (5688 KB)...
    OKAY [  0.215s]
    writing 'cache'...
    OKAY [  0.083s]
    finished. total time: 108.245s
    1 条回复    2016-12-13 16:58:02 +08:00
       2016-12-13 16:58:02 +08:00
    哦哦, 还好我的 n6 基本不挑线材, lg 还有 亚马逊 kindle 自带都可以正常使用
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