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[上海][内推] 硅谷电商独角兽招工程师啦~

  •   arthurmmm · 2017-07-14 00:00:52 +08:00 · 2012 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2545 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    如果你想知道下一个互联网电商巨头是谁,我会告诉你是 wish。如果你没听过,请 app store/google play/google 搜索 wish -- 懂的人不会错过。Wish2011 年成立于硅谷,现估值超 40 亿美元,上海技术团队是 wish 成立的第一个海外技术团队,目前成员均来自名企名校,在这里你就是要成为全栈的 project owner,想要快速的技术进阶,想要保持对硅谷一线互联网技术的关注,来这里没错,我们只要优秀的你~

    上海 site 位于高大上的静安寺嘉里中心三座,零食,饮料,各种切好的水果,投篮机,按摩椅,桌球台,ps4+vr,精彩 TB,各种节日活动各种趴~还有宽敞的走廊可供大家踢毽子--来吧,热血的广场少年!

    有兴趣的同学,简历请发给 [email protected] ,内推机会不要错过(。ì _ í。)


    高级平台工程师/平台工程师 (偏后端的全栈)(社招 /实习)
    - 为内部系统以及第三方合作伙伴设计、开发、测试以及上线新的 API
    - 为 Wish 快速发展的业务需求提供更加稳定和可扩展的平台架构
    - 深入理解 Wish 平台产品、业务以及技术实现,为快速上线新产品和功能提供技术支持
    - 与业务团队紧密合作,完成第三方 、仓储、ERP 以及金融系统对接
    - 完成整个产品生命周期的开发、测试、上线以及维护工作

    - 全日制本科及以上学历,211 及 985 大学 ( top10%以及参加过 ACM 等竞赛优先),3 年以上相关工作经验,有多个中大型项目的研发经验。
    - 拥有扎实的计算机基础,精通算法、设计,并且有全栈经验,能够独立完成开发、测试、系统上线等工作。
    - 拥有大型互联网系统开发经验,熟悉分布式系统中数据存储、分发、索引等架构。
    - 拥有系统后端 API、SDK 等开发经验。
    - 拥有较强的沟通、理解、分析能力,流畅的英语沟通能力。

    Wish 使用的技术:
    - 开发语言:Python
    - 前端技术:Javascript (Backbone, jQuery, Require.js, SASS (CSS)
    - 数据存储:MongoDB
    - 大数据系统:Hadoop, Hive
    - 平台:Amazon Web Service ( AWS )
    (不用担心没使用过以上语言和技术,只要你代码能力够好并且热爱 coding, 语言和工具都是浮云。)


    Data Science Engineer (社招 /实习)

    - Developing data infrastructure that is able to ingest and transform data at huge scale coming from many different sources, different customers, and in many different varieties.
    - Developing machine learning infrastructure that can generalize across hundreds of thousands of Wish customers, but is expressive enough to actually generate high lift.
    - Brainstorming data product ideas with the data scientists and engineers that built some of the most exciting data products that hundreds of millions people use every day.


    Infrastructure Engineer (社招)

    Keeping one of the world's biggest mobile eCommerce platforms growing is no easy job, but that's what Infrastructure Engineers are for. Help scale a massive, highly-available platform end-to-end. You'll design distributed systems, validate performance, factor in security, and proactively monitor every corner of our stack. When things do go wrong, you'll be on-hand to fight the fires.

    Day-to-day, you ’ ll use Python, MongoDB, and Chef to program & validate the systems and tools that power our infrastructure. This includes improving the scalability of existing code, building new tools to give us more leverage over our infrastructure, developing automation for our servers, and improving our monitoring stack so we catch problems before our users.

    Desired Skills & Experience:
    - Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related field required
    - 3~5 years of experience preferred
    - An insatiable desire to know how computers work. Data structures & algorithms? No big deal. You can bend Linux to your will, but you know you're still only scratching the surface. You have horror stories of that one time you typo'ed dd and zeroed your partition table. Then fixed it. Our problems start in the application, go through load balancers, databases, caches, networks, kernels, and down to bare metal hardware. Mastering any and all of that is your kind of challenge.
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