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Hiring: Junior or Mid-Level Ruby on Rails Developer

  •   NimonikEmmaGao · 2017-10-05 09:32:05 +08:00 · 1795 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2556 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Position: Junior or Mid-Level Ruby on Rails Developer
    Location: Mile-End, Montréal, Canada or Shanghai or Remote
    You will be working with the Product manager and the CTO of an innovative B2B SaaS Company that offers solutions to leading multinationals to help them comply to environmental, safety and quality regulations.
    Our clients span the entire industrial spectrum and your contributions will help make their workplaces safer and more environmentally friendly. We are focused on building tools to process regulatory data for environmental, health and safety issues and offering easy to use, but powerful, software to process and track this data throughout complex organizations. Our team consists of lawyers, engineers and scientists who are passionate about applying technology to law to make it practical to use in industrial settings.
    Our website is https://nimonik.com
    Start date: immediate, remote contract or located in Montreal or Shanghai office.
    - 3+ years of programming experience
    - 1+ years of Ruby/Rails
    - Javascript
    - Test-oriented (RSpec/Cucumber)
    Nice-to-have (should meet at least one of them):
    - experience with at least one Javascript MVC framework
    - UI/UX design/validation experience
    - experience with serving public APIs (optimizing, versioning)
    - experience with JRuby
    Our stack:
    - Rails/Ruby/JRuby
    - JSON API serving iOS and Android client apps
    - MySQL/Redis/Solr
    - Backbone Marionette + jQuery + Foundation on the client side
    - Continuous integration setup with RSpec/Cucumber/Jenkins
    Competitive Salary
    Generous vacation package
    Open air work area in great location
    Amazing colleagues, positive atmosphere and team activities
    Innovative technology
    Opportunity to grow and learn with the help of experienced developers

    About Nimonik
    Established in 2008, Nimonik inc. is a growing Montréal based company that sits at the intersection of law, web technology and industrial operations. We offer services to mining, manufacturing, real estate management and other business to help them manage their environmental, health and safety legal obligations.
    As legal costs have grown exponentially over the past decade, companies are searching for opportunities to reduce their legal expenses while ensuring compliance. Everyone at Nimonik believes there is tremendous opportunity to help facility managers ensure compliance at lower cost. The application of Natural Language Processing, AI and other algorithms to case law, legislation and generated content offer the possibility to exponentially reduce the complexity of law. We are looking for an individual who shares our vision of the use of technology to help businesses better manage their obligations, while staying focused on their core business.

    To Apply: Please send an email with your github, LinkedIn and letter of motivation to [email protected] with the title “ Ruby on Rails Developer ”. Application deadline is October 10th, 2017

    有任何疑问,欢迎留言,或邮件联系我 [email protected]
       2017-10-05 18:19:27 +08:00 via iPhone
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