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问一个使用 Systemtap 调试 PHP 的问题 关于函数对探针似乎没有效果?

  •   yangbin9317 · 2018-03-06 17:45:17 +08:00 · 725 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2408 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    request__startup 和 request__shutdown 有效果

    stap -c 'php test2.php' all_probes.stp -vv


    Pass 1: parsed user script and 470 library scripts using 129380virt/42348res/3340shr/39452data kb, in 310usr/30sys/333real ms.
    focused on module '/usr/local/bin/php' = [0x400000-0x1114b68, bias 0 file /usr/local/bin/php ELF machine |x86_64 (code 62)
    focused on module '/usr/local/bin/php' = [0x400000-0x1114b68, bias 0 file /usr/local/bin/php ELF machine |x86_64 (code 62)
    focused on module '/usr/local/bin/php' = [0x400000-0x1114b68, bias 0 file /usr/local/bin/php ELF machine |x86_64 (code 62)
    focused on module '/usr/local/bin/php' = [0x400000-0x1114b68, bias 0 file /usr/local/bin/php ELF machine |x86_64 (code 62)
    focused on module '/usr/local/bin/php' = [0x400000-0x1114b68, bias 0 file /usr/local/bin/php ELF machine |x86_64 (code 62)
    focused on module '/usr/local/bin/php' = [0x400000-0x1114b68, bias 0 file /usr/local/bin/php ELF machine |x86_64 (code 62)
    focused on module '/usr/local/bin/php' = [0x400000-0x1114b68, bias 0 file /usr/local/bin/php ELF machine |x86_64 (code 62)
    focused on module '/usr/local/bin/php' = [0x400000-0x1114b68, bias 0 file /usr/local/bin/php ELF machine |x86_64 (code 62)
    focused on module '/usr/local/bin/php' = [0x400000-0x1114b68, bias 0 file /usr/local/bin/php ELF machine |x86_64 (code 62)
    focused on module '/usr/local/bin/php' = [0x400000-0x1114b68, bias 0 file /usr/local/bin/php ELF machine |x86_64 (code 62)
    focused on module '/usr/local/bin/php' = [0x400000-0x1114b68, bias 0 file /usr/local/bin/php ELF machine |x86_64 (code 62)
    Pass 2: analyzed script: 14 probes, 4 functions, 1 embed, 0 globals using 130964virt/44884res/4068shr/41036data kb, in 10usr/0sys/12real ms.
    Pass 3: using cached /root/.systemtap/cache/0b/stap_0bce6eae8275f6d1c2bd99436f6a4daf_9524.c
    Pass 4: using cached /root/.systemtap/cache/0b/stap_0bce6eae8275f6d1c2bd99436f6a4daf_9524.ko
    Pass 5: starting run.
    Running /usr/bin/staprun -v -c php test2.php -R /tmp/stap5H9eS2/stap_0bce6eae8275f6d1c2bd99436f6a4daf_9524.ko
    staprun:insert_module:191 Module stap_0bce6eae8275f6d1c2bd99436f6a4daf_4195 inserted from file /tmp/stap5H9eS2/stap_0bce6eae8275f6d1c2bd99436f6a4daf_9524.ko
    stapio:start_cmd:263 blocking briefly
    stapio:stp_main_loop:848 detaching pid 4197
    stapio:start_cmd:285 execing target_cmd php test2.php
    Probe request__startup
      file /home/test2.php
      request_uri -
      request_method -
    Probe request__shutdown
      file /home/test2.php
      request_uri -
      request_method -
    stapio:cleanup_and_exit:510 detach=0
    stapio:cleanup_and_exit:527 closing control channel
    staprun:remove_module:284 Module stap_0bce6eae8275f6d1c2bd99436f6a4daf_4195 removed.
    Spawn waitpid result (0x0): 0
    Pass 5: run completed in 10usr/30sys/299real ms.

    php 代码为

    function test() {
            return 1;
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