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请教一下 NodeQuery API 参数问题

  •   xiaoz · 2018-03-31 10:58:30 +08:00 · 685 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2382 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    有朋友在用 NodeQuery 的吗?最近看他们的 API,返回参数如下:

        "status": "OK",
        "data": [
                    "id": 763,
                    "status": "active",
                    "availability": "99.73%",
                    "update_time": 1405904402,
                    "name": "mta.nl.example.com",
                    "load_percent": 24,
                    "load_average": "0.63 0.42 0.26",
                    "ram_total": 248123392,
                    "ram_usage": 38334464,
                    "disk_total": 5284429824,
                    "disk_usage": 910610432,
                    "ipv4": "",
                    "ipv6": "fe80::4fd:b8ff:fe00:143",
                    "current_rx": 407919,
                    "current_tx": 386858
                    "id": 547,
                    "status": "active",
                    "availability": "99.87%",
                    "update_time": 1405936444,
                    "name": "mta.us.example.com",
                    "load_percent": 16,
                    "load_average": "0.44 0.23 0.12",
                    "ram_total": 383397888,
                    "ram_usage": 50864128,
                    "disk_total": 10039418880,
                    "disk_usage": 1117908992,
                    "ipv4": "",
                    "ipv6": "fe80::4fd:b8ff:fe00:144",
                    "current_rx": 400930,
                    "current_tx": 363048

    基本上看返回值能够理解参数含义,但是 current_rx/current_tx 这两个参数单位到底是 bit 还是 byte 没搞清楚,除以 8 或除以 1024 感觉值和实际值都不太符合,官方也没详细的参数说明。

    第 1 条附言  ·  2018-03-31 12:12:54 +08:00
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