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[JavaScript 实习] GE 通用电气找 Digital Technology Intern

  •   GEChina2018 · 2018-07-26 17:18:00 +08:00 · 763 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2168 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Role Summary/Purpose :
    The software engineer will be a key member of Predix cloud team at GE Digital, responsible for handling the overall cloud Infrastructure for the Predix cloud service. The intern role will work with senior members to collaborate cross functionally with platform engineering teams, data services teams, and industrial application teams to ensure alignment, awareness, and consistency throughout the organization.

    Essential Responsibilities:
    • Design and implement orchestration workflow to deliver Predix cloud service in the efficient way
    • Design, build and maintain the CI/CD pipeline for Predix cloud service
    • Work closely with other functional teams to ensure consistent customer user experience, scale/performance and operability in mind

    Qualifications/Requirements :
    • Have knowledge in build and administer VMs on vSphere and Containers using tools such as Docker, Vagrant, Kubernetes
    • Expertise in Linux System Admin and Bash Scripting
    • Have strong interests in computer science domain area.
    • Good English language skills both written and verbal
    • Strong ownership and passionate for work
    • Integrity and able to work under pressure

    实习时间:2018.8 - 2018.11
    出勤天数:3-5 天
    工作地点: 上海张江高科华佗路一号
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