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[远程][杭州][旧金山] 招聘高级全栈工程师 (JS/TS Full Stack, Solidity)

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  •   Durandal01 · 2019-06-13 10:12:46 +08:00 · 2440 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2115 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    [招聘 · 杭州 · 区块链] 高级全栈工程师


    我们是一家区块链初创公司,坐标杭州西湖。我们正在做一个基于以太坊智能合约的去中心化银行项目,让全球区块链用户能够在区块链提供的安全性保障下,实现去中心化的加密资产的储蓄与贷款。创始团队来自以太坊中文社区 EthFans,是国内最早关注和研究区块链技术的人群之一。以太坊爱好者的大家庭先后走出了 imToken、Nervos、星火矿池(按照字母排序)等十分有影响力的区块链项目。我们正在招全职的核心开发角色,欢迎自荐和推荐!


    全栈工程师 / 区块链工程师


    1. 主动参与产品的设计、需求和实现,解决团队遇到的技术难点;
    2. 设计、开发、测试、部署和维护区块链智能合约、网页应用以及相关的内部工具;
    3. 参与日常的 code review,必要时协助其他工程师上手项目和完成工作;
    4. 记录和管理项目进度、整理和编写开发文档;


    1. *代码洁癖:*对代码的整洁,命名的规范,模块架构的简洁,开发工具和环境的效率有着超出常人的要求;
    2. 拥有独立开发、部署和维护完整网页应用的经验或者有两年以上的业内工作经验;
    3. 独立设计和实现过服务器和数据库架构,对系统的稳定性和延展性有自己的理解;
    4. 熟练掌握至少一门脚本语言、一门编译语言和一个网页框架;
    5. 对产品有强烈的责任感,会主动测试并完善产品功能,不断优化代码质量和产品体验;
    6. 能适应阅读大量的英文文章、用英文写技术文档和产品需求;
    7. 能够与其他团队成员进行有效的沟通,拥有良好的书面表达能力;


    1. 熟悉开源项目的运作、参与过个人或中 /大型开源项目的开发和维护;
    2. 了解计算机网络和安全原理,有相关的项目经验;
    3. 熟悉比特币和以太坊工作原理,开发过智能合约;
    4. 有自己的技术博客,有分享技术和学习心得的习惯;


    1. 我们拥有海内外最优质的区块链行业资源,参与其中,做一个有潜力的产品,可以享受区块链行业的爆发性增长带来的个人能力和财富的增长;
    2. 团队真正尊重个人的独特性、讨论开放、深入、就事论事,并崇尚主人翁意识, 鼓励大家有自己的见解和想法,能自发推进想法的实施,敢于拒绝不合理的要求;
    3. 薪资匹配 AT,对区块链事业有自发热情,能力相匹配的人才会给予股权奖励;
    4. 顶尖互联网公司标配: mac,自由上下班时间,每天零食下午茶等等。


    邮箱 tao@ethfans.org (mailto:tao@ethfans.org); 用百度问技术问题的请不要联系我们。

    [Hire · Hangzhou· Blockchain] Senior Full-stack Software Engineer

    [About Us]

    We are a Hangzhou based blockchain startup dedicating to build a decentralized banking protocol on top of the Ethereum blockchain, allowing users to safely deposit and loan crypto assets in a decentralized manner. Core members of the team are from Ethereum China community EthFans, which is among the firsts in China to notice and research blockchain technology. EthFans community also saw the birth of a number of influential projects including imToken, Nervos, Spark Pool (mentioned alphabetically) etc. We are hiring a full-time engineer, welcome on board!


    Full Stack Software Engineer / Blockchain Engineer

    [Job Description]

    1. Actively engage in product design, requirement and implementation, resolve any technical problems.
    2. Design, develop, test, deploy and maintain blockchain smart contracts, web applications and internal tools.
    3. Involve in routine code review, support other engineers with their work.
    4. Document and manage project schedule, organize and compose development docs.


    1. Self-critical regarding the tidiness of code, naming convention, clarity of architecture, and the efficiency of developer tools and environment.
    2. Experience of independent web page development, deployment and maintenance or at least 2+ years of working experience.
    3. Proven experience of designing and implementing server and database schema independently. Original understanding of system stability and scalability.
    4. Excellent knowledge of JavaScript. Mastery of at least one scripting language, one compiled language, and one fame of webpage.
    5. Strong sense of responsibility. Able to test, improve, and perfect your code and the product.
    6. A good command of English, such as being able to read massive English articles and write technical docs in English.
    7. Ability to communicate effectively with the team, and good writing skills.

    [Nice to have...]

    1. Familiarity with how open source projects work. Having involved in the development and maintenance of personal or mid-large open source projects.
    2. Advanced understanding and experience of network and security principles.
    3. Knowledge of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Experience of writing a smart contract is a big plus.
    4. You are a tech blogger and like to share.


    1. We are proud to own the best blockchain industry resources worldwide. Join us, build a promising product and enjoy fast personal growth and accumulation of wealth as blockchain takes off.
    2. The team respects individual traits, encourages in-depth discussion, and appreciates ownership. You should have your own opinion and insight, able to push forward and say NO.
    3. In addition to rewards and compensations that can compete with Alibaba and Tencent, we also offer equity to talents who have genuine passion for blockchain technology.
    4. Other benefits include mac as productivity gear, flexible hours, coffee, snacks, etc.


    tao@ethfans.org (mailto:tao@ethfans.org)

       2019-06-13 10:15:18 +08:00
    也可以联系微信: MTMwMDg2ODczMTM=
       2019-06-13 21:34:17 +08:00
    抱歉各位, 微信聊实在是太费神了, 我都没空写代码了... 要不各位还是发邮件吧 🤣
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