这是一个创建于 4353 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
New version available: 0.6.0
downloading [=============================] 100%... finished download
Meteor has a brand new distribution system!
In this new system, code-named Engine, packages are downloaded
individually and on demand. But all of the packages in each official
Meteor release are prefetched and cached so you can still use Meteor
when you're on a plane or in a coffeeshop with no Wifi.
Also, every Meteor project is now pinned to a specific Meteor release,
so everyone on your team is always running the same code regardless of
what they have installed on their laptop. Whenever you run 'meteor',
Engine automatically fetches the needed release manifest, build tools,
smart packages, and npm dependencies into your local warehouse.
Removing your current installation.
Downloading Engine upgrade
######################################################################## 100.0%
Installing Meteor in your home directory (~/.meteor):
* 'meteor' build tool
* Package updates: absolute-url accounts-base accounts-facebook
account-github accounts-google accounts-oauth1-helper accounts-oauth2-helper
accounts-oauth-helper accounts-password accounts-twitter accounts-ui
accounts-ui-unstyled accounts-urls account-weibo amplify autopublish
backbone bootstrap code-prettify coffeescript d3 deps domutils ejson email
force-ssl handlebars htmljs http insecure jquery jquery-history
jquery-layout jquery-waypoints json jsparse less livedata liverange
localstorage-polyfill logging madewith meteor minimongo mongo-livedata
ordered-dict past preserve-inputs random reload routepolicy session showdown
spark spiderable srp startup stream stylus templating test-helpers
test-in-browser tinytest underscore universal-events
Writing a launcher script to /usr/local/bin/meteor for your convenience.
*** Meteor is now installed at /usr/local/bin/meteor. ***
*** Run `hash -r` so that your shell notices it has moved. ***
demo: updated to Meteor 0.6.0.
-- Notice --
0.6.0: Variables declared with `var` at the outermost level of a JavaScript
source file are now private to that file. Remove the `var` to share
a value between files.
1 条回复 • 1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00
chuangbo 2013-04-05 14:30:55 +08:00
简单翻译一下 主要改进: 1. 可以为每个应用单独指定 meteor 的版本,meteor 会在更新的时候保留各个版本的 meteor. 2. 可以使用 NPM 的包。
其他更新: 1. 支持所有 x86 Linux 2. 为每个 js 文件加上了闭包 3. 为内部包加上了测试