这是一个创建于 1289 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
QAD 是开放系统环境中的一体化商业软件的主要开发商和全球供应商。
成立于 1979 年的 QAD 公司是开发早期的 MRP 应用的先驱者,该公司围绕着它设计出了一种全新的一体化产品,这种产品采用开放系统环境,可以适用于许多行业。1986 年它推出了 MFG/PRO,在两年内,QAD 及其新系统就主导了国际供应链市场。MFG/PRO 是专门针对五个目标行业内的全球化制造商设计的,包括电子 /工业产品、食品 /饮料、消费品、医疗和汽车
划重点 -
2 年以上工作经验
可以直接 DM 我 base64 -> MTg2MDEyOTc4NTEK
1 、Review requirements, specifications and technical design documents to understand the product and provided meaningful feedback
2 、Create detailed, comprehensive and well-structured test plans and test cases
3 、Design, develop and execute automation/manual test scripts
4 、Clearly and effectively document any issues identified during testing in JIRA system, and do root cause analysis if possible
5 、Monitor continuous integration automation test system
6 、Work with Support and Services to reproduce issues reported by customers
7 、Feedback on team’s continuous improvement, and optimize process
8 、Participates in ISO Quality System Audits and ISO Quality System Meetings.
1 、Knowledge of automation testing tools, concepts and methodologies of QA Programming experience is a plus
2 、Experience with an automated testing tool (Selenium, TestComplete, etc.)
3 、Good communication / documentation skills in both English and Chinese
4 、Able to quickly learn new technologies and adapt to product changes
5 、Experience in working with global teams preferred, multiple products, multiple release environments desirable
3 条回复 • 2021-09-03 15:38:12 +08:00
huihuiy 2021-09-01 11:46:38 +08:00
现在 WFH 都没人关注了吗
cxytz01 2021-09-01 21:06:56 +08:00
只能在上海 wfh 吗,能在其他城市 wfh 吗?
huihuiy 2021-09-03 15:38:12 +08:00