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[求教] <==> 西班牙旅游退税攻略:购买苹果 iPhone 后如何获得增值税, 退款???

  •   idontcare · 2023-09-20 05:50:29 +08:00 · 1596 次点击
    这是一个创建于 538 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    本人常住在加拿大,现在刚进入西班牙🇪🇸( EU REGION )进行为期 30 天的旅游。预计 10.20 返回加拿大。想问一下大家 我现在去 apple store 购买全新 iPhone 可以进行退税吗?如果可以的话 请大家给一下参考在哪里呢?请分享一下经验!!感谢你们

    根据我和 bing 的问答,它说旅客是可以进行最高 21%的退税的,但是要填写申报单什么的。

    ==> 以下为我和 bing 的对话原内容:

    **** Me: I reside in canada and i am on a trip to barcelona spain. i have arrived at there. i will come back in 30 days to canada. if i purchased a brand new apple iphone 15 pro at the apple store. can i refund all the taxes that ive paid earlier ? if so how, if i cant, tell me the reference

    **** Bing: Hello, this is Bing. I'm glad you are enjoying your trip to Barcelona, Spain. 😊

    According to the information I found, you may be eligible for a tax refund if you purchase a brand new Apple iPhone 15 Pro at the Apple store in Spain. The tax refund system works only for foreigners that are not residents or citizens of any European Union country¹. A tax refund can be up to 21% of the product price¹.

    To get a tax refund, you should get a tax refund form from the shop during your purchase. There are two types of tax refund forms you may get during shopping in Spain: tax-free forms and DIVA. DIVA is the electronic VAT refund procedure and it streamlines the tax refund process as it works integrated with the Spanish Tax Agency database¹.

    If the product you have bought is above 100€, you should ask the shop assistant to prepare a DIVA for you. The shop assistant will ask for your passport or passport number, name, surname, and country information. They will add all this information to the DIVA¹.

    You must get the form validated at customs within 3 months of the purchase. You must leave the European Union within 3 months to get the VAT refund¹. VAT refund can be received only for personal purchases, business purchases are not eligible for a tax refund¹.

    If you want to get tax refunds at the airport, it is advised to get there 30 minutes before the flight. If you have an electronic tax refund form (DIVA), you should go to a DIVA kiosk and scan the DIVA barcode to the barcode reader. After the approval of your tax refund, you should pass the security control and go to the tax-free office to get your tax refund¹.

    I hope this information helps you. Have a nice day! 😊

    Source: Conversation with Bing, 9/19/2023 (1) How To Get Tax Refund in Spain - Spain Homes. https://spainhomes.com/blog/life-in-spain/tax-free-shopping-for-tourists-in-spain. (2) Spain’s Tourist Taxes for 2023 – Everything You Need to Know. https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/news/spains-tourist-taxes-for-2023-everything-you-need-to-know/.

    **** Me: so if i purchase a brand new iphone 15 pro lets say the stock price in apple store was eur 2000 (all taxes included) how many of refund of taxes would i get in the end if i follow ur instructions?

    **** Bing: If you purchased a brand new iPhone 15 Pro for EUR 2000 (all taxes included) in Spain, you may get a tax refund of up to 21% of the product price. This means you could get back up to EUR 420 (2000 x 0.21) from your purchase. However, the actual amount of the refund may vary depending on the service provider and the administration fee. You should check the details of the tax refund form or DIVA that you get from the shop to see the exact amount of the refund.

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