

V2EX 第 592488 号会员,加入于 2022-08-27 16:28:45 +08:00
今日活跃度排名 26967
genPeterTohetang 最近回复了

The company was put together by a group of top-tier people from Silicon Valley and top universities like Stanford.
1 团队拥有中美授权专利
2 团队拥有游戏团队(30 多年的游戏经验)
3 团队拥有资深 AI/AGI 专家, 行业大佬带队
4 团队整合多个国家和区域的资源

1 The team holds both Chinese and US patents
2 The team possesses a gaming team with over 30 years of experience
3 The team has senior AI/AGI experts, led by industry leaders
4 The team integrates resources from multiple countries and regions

We have a regular meeting system where interested
friends can learn about the project by participating in our periodic meetings."
Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that matches or surpasses human cognitive capabilities across a wide range of cognitive tasks. This contrasts with narrow AI, which is limited to specific tasks.[1] Artificial superintelligence (ASI), on the other hand, refers to AGI that greatly exceeds human cognitive capabilities. AGI is considered one of the definitions of strong AI.

Creating AGI is a primary goal of AI research and of companies such as OpenAI[2] and Meta.[3] A 2020 survey identified 72 active AGI research and development projects across 37 countries.[4]

The timeline for achieving AGI remains a subject of ongoing debate among researchers and experts. As of 2023, some argue that it may be possible in years or decades; others maintain it might take a century or longer; and a minority believe it may never be achieved.[5] Notable AI researcher Geoffrey Hinton has expressed concerns about the rapid progress towards AGI, suggesting it could be achieved sooner than many expect.[6]

There is debate on the exact definition of AGI, and regarding whether modern large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 are early forms of AGI.[7] AGI is a common topic in science fiction and futures studies.[8][9]

Contention exists over whether AGI represents an existential risk.[10][11][12] Many experts on AI have stated that mitigating the risk of human extinction posed by AGI should be a global priority.[13][14] Others find the development of AGI to be too remote to present such a risk.

125 天前
回复了 genPeterTohetang 创建的主题 酷工作 澳洲建筑产业 AI 项目
AI 已经通过图灵测试了,
128 天前
回复了 genPeterTohetang 创建的主题 酷工作 澳洲建筑产业 AI 项目

1 就业机会:精心准备的简历能够更好地展示个人优势,增加获得面试机会的可能性。
2 第一印象:简历是用人单位了解求职者的第一个渠道,直接影响招聘者对你的初步评价。
3 个人品牌展示:一份优秀的简历可以全面、准确地呈现个人专业能力和职业发展潜力。
4 竞争优势:在激烈的就业市场中,一份出色的简历能帮助求职者脱颖而出。
5 自我总结:制作简历的过程本身就是一次职业规划和自我审视的机会,有助于明确职业发展方向。
128 天前
回复了 genPeterTohetang 创建的主题 酷工作 澳洲建筑产业 AI 项目
129 天前
回复了 genPeterTohetang 创建的主题 酷工作 澳洲建筑产业 AI 项目
129 天前
回复了 genPeterTohetang 创建的主题 酷工作 澳洲建筑产业 AI 项目
1 技术合伙人(AI, 全栈等等各个技术方向),
2 艺术总监合伙人(因为很多地方需要设计),
3 架构师合伙人
4 总之海纳百川,各种高级人才都要/::D
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