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V2EX  ›  lenovo  ›  全部回复第 16 页 / 共 30 页
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2015-08-25 00:12:15 +08:00
回复了 bazingaterry 创建的主题 分享创造 终端查看 ip 归属地的小工具
ipip.net 免费库信息太少了
2015-07-29 15:40:23 +08:00
回复了 lenovo 创建的主题 Raspberry Pi Windows 10 IoT RTM Build 10240
2015-07-29 11:13:08 +08:00
回复了 lenovo 创建的主题 Raspberry Pi Windows 10 IoT RTM Build 10240
@jasontse 支持ssh,有远程浏览器中的UI,可以看看官方的视频 https://youtu.be/QhZAQGL7vuc
2015-07-29 03:37:26 +08:00
回复了 lenovo 创建的主题 Raspberry Pi Windows 10 IoT RTM Build 10240
@Livid 帮忙移动到Raspberry Pi节点吧:)
2015-07-23 05:06:56 +08:00
回复了 ppdg 创建的主题 问与答 问下 office365 家庭版怎么自定义安装啊?
2015-07-23 04:33:46 +08:00
回复了 ppdg 创建的主题 问与答 问下 office365 家庭版怎么自定义安装啊?
命令行安装:setup.exe /configure configuration.xml
2015-07-22 23:31:01 +08:00
回复了 lenovo 创建的主题 Raspberry Pi 有从官方商店买过 Raspberry Pi 的吗?如何跟踪订单?
@clowwindy http://swag.raspberrypi.org/collections/frontpage/products/official-raspberry-pi-wifi-dongle
It also works as a wireless access point, handy for configuring your Pi on the go.

802.11 b/g/n
USB 2.0
BCM43143 chipset
150Mbps maximum throughput
Supports Access Point/Infrastructure mode
Works with Raspbian out of the box
2015-07-22 03:54:16 +08:00
回复了 lenovo 创建的主题 微软 Visual Studio 2015 RTM 简体中文版下载
vs_enterprise.exe /full /layout VS2015ENT /log VS2015ENT.LOG
2015-07-21 18:31:24 +08:00
回复了 lenovo 创建的主题 微软 Visual Studio 2015 RTM 简体中文版下载
@dikcen 是的,三误:)
2015-07-20 22:54:25 +08:00
回复了 lenovo 创建的主题 Raspberry Pi 有从官方商店买过 Raspberry Pi 的吗?如何跟踪订单?
All of the items from order #RASPI-xxxxx have now been shipped:

1x Raspberry Pi Universal Power Supply
1x Official Raspberry Pi WiFi dongle
1x Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
1x NOOBS 8GB SD Card

They are being shipped via Royal Mail to the following address:

Thank you for ordering from Raspberry Pi Swag!
2015-07-19 17:03:35 +08:00
回复了 vivianalive 创建的主题 分享创造 分享个人 Wordpress 主题: I LITE
2015-07-19 05:22:46 +08:00
回复了 spoony 创建的主题 Raspberry Pi Win10 登录树莓派了:在树莓派 2 上安装 Windows 10
Windows Community发的2个视频
Installation and Introduction to Windows IoT Core on Raspberry Pi 2
Intro to Development and Deploying Applications to Windows IoT Core on Raspberry Pi 2
2015-07-19 03:10:11 +08:00
回复了 spoony 创建的主题 Raspberry Pi Win10 登录树莓派了:在树莓派 2 上安装 Windows 10
@yksoft1 @spoony
Windows 10 IoT Core Insider Preview 6/24/2015 Release
Updated base OS build (10152.0.fbl_impressive.150618-2341)
New FFU Flashing Tool
Secure Shell (SSH) server support
Audio output on Raspberry Pi 2 (USB-audio and onboard analog output)
Web Server (WebB) moved to port 8080 (For Example – http://:8080)
Bug Fixes
2015-07-19 01:50:00 +08:00
回复了 lenovo 创建的主题 Raspberry Pi 有从官方商店买过 Raspberry Pi 的吗?如何跟踪订单?
@clowwindy 收到的订单确认邮件里有,是不是就是买到了?刚去看了下貌似是没货了,不能添加到购物车
2015-07-19 01:30:41 +08:00
回复了 lenovo 创建的主题 Raspberry Pi 有从官方商店买过 Raspberry Pi 的吗?如何跟踪订单?
@zts1993 对比了一下,官网的貌似便宜一点,脑热就下单了...
1x Raspberry Pi Universal Power Supply for £5.00 each
1x Official Raspberry Pi WiFi dongle for £6.00 each
1x Raspberry Pi 2 Model B for £30.00 each
1x NOOBS 8GB SD Card for £4.00 each
Subtotal : £45.00 GBP
Shipping : £4.00 GBP
Total : £49.00 GBP

2015-07-14 23:11:15 +08:00
回复了 ixerxes 创建的主题 VPS CloudsVM 香港 SL(Equinix)机房 OpenVZ VPS 主机 最低仅需 5.58 美元
@ixerxes 证书错误
This Connection is Untrusted

You have asked Firefox to connect securely to www.cloudsvm.com, but we can't confirm that your connection is secure.

Normally, when you try to connect securely, sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are going to the right place. However, this site's identity can't be verified.
What Should I Do?

If you usually connect to this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn't continue.

www.cloudsvm.com uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is only valid for the following names:
a248.e.akamai.net, *.akamaihd.net, *.akamaihd-staging.net, *.akamaized.net, *.akamaized-staging.net

(Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)
2015-07-14 22:29:06 +08:00
回复了 looo8899 创建的主题 问与答 求助关于 wordpress 搭建 部署
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