857681664 #97 大部分场景下可以相信数据库的性能,supabase user 表的定义我贴在下面:
create table
auth.users (
instance_id uuid null,
id uuid not null,
aud character varying(255) null,
role character varying(255) null,
email character varying(255) null,
encrypted_password character varying(255) null,
email_confirmed_at timestamp with time zone null,
invited_at timestamp with time zone null,
confirmation_token character varying(255) null,
confirmation_sent_at timestamp with time zone null,
recovery_token character varying(255) null,
recovery_sent_at timestamp with time zone null,
email_change_token_new character varying(255) null,
email_change character varying(255) null,
email_change_sent_at timestamp with time zone null,
last_sign_in_at timestamp with time zone null,
raw_app_meta_data jsonb null,
raw_user_meta_data jsonb null,
is_super_admin boolean null,
created_at timestamp with time zone null,
updated_at timestamp with time zone null,
phone text null default null::character varying,
phone_confirmed_at timestamp with time zone null,
phone_change text null default ''::character varying,
phone_change_token character varying(255) null default ''::character varying,
phone_change_sent_at timestamp with time zone null,
confirmed_at timestamp with time zone null,
email_change_token_current character varying(255) null default ''::character varying,
email_change_confirm_status smallint null default 0,
banned_until timestamp with time zone null,
reauthentication_token character varying(255) null default ''::character varying,
reauthentication_sent_at timestamp with time zone null,
is_sso_user boolean not null default false,
deleted_at timestamp with time zone null,
constraint users_pkey primary key (id),
constraint users_phone_key unique (phone),
constraint users_email_change_confirm_status_check check (
(email_change_confirm_status >= 0)
and (email_change_confirm_status <= 2)
) tablespace pg_default;
create index if not exists users_instance_id_idx on auth.users using btree (instance_id) tablespace pg_default;
create index if not exists users_instance_id_email_idx on auth.users using btree (instance_id, lower((email)::text)) tablespace pg_default;
create unique index confirmation_token_idx on auth.users using btree (confirmation_token)
((confirmation_token)::text !~ '^[0-9 ]*$'::text) tablespace pg_default;
create unique index recovery_token_idx on auth.users using btree (recovery_token)
((recovery_token)::text !~ '^[0-9 ]*$'::text) tablespace pg_default;
create unique index email_change_token_current_idx on auth.users using btree (email_change_token_current)
(email_change_token_current)::text !~ '^[0-9 ]*$'::text
) tablespace pg_default;
create unique index email_change_token_new_idx on auth.users using btree (email_change_token_new)
(email_change_token_new)::text !~ '^[0-9 ]*$'::text
) tablespace pg_default;
create unique index reauthentication_token_idx on auth.users using btree (reauthentication_token)
(reauthentication_token)::text !~ '^[0-9 ]*$'::text
) tablespace pg_default;
create unique index users_email_partial_key on auth.users using btree (email)
(is_sso_user = false) tablespace pg_default;
create trigger on_auth_user_created
after insert on auth.users for each row
execute function handle_new_user ();