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2016-10-21 18:31:58 +08:00
回复了 ansheng 创建的主题 程序员 作为一个合格的程序员,需要标配哪些技能?
我感觉就一条: copy and paste from stackoverflow.
2016-10-21 18:31:19 +08:00
回复了 thinkme 创建的主题 iPhone iPhone 值不值得购买?
你如果经常摔那就不值 否则还是很值的

你如果有个其他的爱好 比如你喜欢汽车 你想买个顶级的可能得几百几千万 你肯定觉得不值 因为买不起

但是喜欢电子产品是好事:只要多花几 k 就可以买到最顶级的手机了 难倒不值吗?
站在功能、保值的角度,不值,但是站在“只要多花几 k 就能买到这个玩意儿里头最顶级的产品了”的角度来看,简直太 tm 值了

就好比你喜欢乒乓球,只要花 1k 就能买到跟国际顶级运动员一样的型号了,你觉得值吗?有啥买 50 块钱的球拍的理由?

所以我想不通有啥不买 iPhone 的理由 除了你总摔手机以外。。
2016-10-21 18:24:43 +08:00
回复了 yidinghe 创建的主题 配件 机械键盘不能过于注重手感,而忽略了实用性
@yidinghe 我从来不看键盘 据我所知有些大神还专门卖没字的键帽。。
F 和 J 上是有凸起的啊 摸一下就摸到了 其实八成也不用摸 毕竟 F 和 J 之间就两个键位的宽度 自然的把手往上一放 不会偏差太远 发这贴期间我测试了几次 随意往上一放最多误差半个键位的距离
2016-10-21 17:26:10 +08:00
回复了 bboysoul 创建的主题 程序员 大家都用什么 markdown 编辑器的, windows 平台下的。
这个需求在今年已经没必要 SUV 了 又不是新藏加阿里北线
2016-10-21 17:22:48 +08:00
回复了 yidinghe 创建的主题 配件 机械键盘不能过于注重手感,而忽略了实用性
无意人参公鸡,但我觉得这不是键盘的问题 是人的问题。。无论多少钱的键盘都不至于“重新找准位置”啊。。
正常情况下我已经不听歌了 无论在干啥
2016-10-20 15:24:11 +08:00
回复了 zcljy 创建的主题 北京 有环境好点的适合敲代码和生活的城市么?北方都被雾霾了吧
如果远程 我选桂林
我本来想说忘了 是不是老了
结果想了一下想起来了 大概是一个月前 因为我发现已经被人家删了。。。
2016-10-18 15:34:34 +08:00
回复了 ETO 创建的主题 问与答 持币 1000 块钱,想买个东西玩玩, v 友们有什么推荐的么?
吉他、尤克里里 可能 1k 以内比较耐玩的只有这个了
2016-10-18 15:33:11 +08:00
回复了 szhgoldeneye 创建的主题 耳机 V 友们有什么耳机推荐吗
"IT ’ S FUNNY, isn ’ t it, how people argue about which mobile phone is best. Honestly and truthfully, to the vast majority of people, they are indistinguishable. It ’ s the same with wine. Of course there is a handful of enthusiasts who in a blind tasting really can tell white from red, but to the rest of us a £4.99 bottle of Château d ’ Asda tastes the same, and has the same effect, as a £45,000 bottle of Pétrus.

In fact this is true of absolutely everything. Cheese. Pizzas. Caribbean islands. I spoke with a famous rock god the other day, who agreed that the whole debate about guitars is nonsense because they ’ re all identical.

And so are cities, really. Brummies will argue that Birmingham is better than Manchester or Liverpool or Sheffield. But to the casual observer they ’ re as different as milk bottles.

Then there ’ s music. To those who were born under the influence of Stanley Baldwin, the Rolling Stones sound exactly the same as N-Dubz. It ’ s all just boom, boom, boom, as the elderly are fond of saying. And I know what they mean because I simply cannot tell one piece of classical music from another. Unless it ’ s been used in an advert on the television, it ’ s all just one endless parade of girls sitting with their legs wide apart, sawing a cello in half with a bit of horse, and men blowing in tubes.

Yes, there are people who can tell not just Bach from Chopin, but also what orchestra they ’ re listening to and even what conductor is in charge. But for people with jobs and friends? No. It ’ s all just bars and tone.

You know where this is going and, of course, you ’ re right. Cars are all the same too. They ’ re all Volkswagen Golfs. There are fast Golfs and big Golfs and cheap Golfs. There are Japanese Golfs and V12 Golfs and American Golfs. But they ’ re all Golfs.

I can tell the difference between a Ford Focus and a Vauxhall Astra, but that ’ s because I ’ m a nerd. However, I ’ m not such a nerd that I don ’ t realise both are actually Golfs. You could put my mother in a Lincoln Town Car and she would be incapable of telling it apart from her own car. Which is a Golf. She thinks my Range Rover is a Golf, too, albeit one that is idiotically hard to park."
2016-10-18 15:24:46 +08:00
回复了 qcloud 创建的主题 问与答 订机票如何最省钱?
2016-10-18 15:23:01 +08:00
回复了 Awes0me 创建的主题 MacBook Pro 不用不知道,原来 Retina MacBook Pro 那么卡
我感觉有两种可能性 一种是 你对速度的感觉异于常人 任何飞速行驶的事物在你看来都慢的无聊 或许你比较适合开赛车 另外一种可能是 你买了个假货。。相对而言,这两种可能行里,我觉得假货的可能性较低。。
2016-10-17 18:11:55 +08:00
回复了 horace 创建的主题 清华大学 居然这么冷清
04 级计算机飘过
2016-10-16 20:29:22 +08:00
回复了 vitalbo 创建的主题 Android 从 iphone6PLUS 转到安卓,不知道有什么可以推荐的?
我是 iPhone6 换到华为 P9 总体还挺满意
建议别图便宜 否则光照相一条就让你觉得心里落差很大。。除非你从来不用照相功能 那就当我没说
小米 note 用过 不是很喜欢 目前还有个 Nexus 5x 除了拍照弱点以外到是也不错
2016-10-14 19:11:19 +08:00
回复了 phpdever 创建的主题 iPhone 大家一起来聊聊在苹果官网购买 iPhone7 的发货速度吧
2016-10-14 19:10:42 +08:00
回复了 kba977 创建的主题 Apple 欧陆词典 吐槽
不懂你们在讲什么 不过 google translate 不好吗
2016-10-14 19:09:40 +08:00
回复了 darkbread 创建的主题 程序员 每周双休的两天自己决定,你会选哪两天不上班?
如果可以没有任何压力的想几点上班就几点上班 想几点下班就几点下班 我愿意天天上班不要双休日 至少去公司喝杯咖啡嘛
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